Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu is a military art (Bugei) that was introduced in the Tensho Period (1573-1591) by its founder, Tamiya Heibei Narimasa. Narimasa, together with Katayama Hoki no kami Hisayasu (the founder of Hoki Ryu) and Sekiguchi Jushin (the founder of Sekiguchi Ryu) were pupils of Hayashizake Jinsuke Shigenobu, the founder of Iaijutsu.
The style characteristics of the Tamiya School of Swordsmanship are: First Volume (Omote no Maki) containing eleven kata and Second Volume (Koran no Maki) containing fourteen kata. Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu is a sword art that is distinguished by its emphasis on practicing basic techniques (Kihon). In other words, to properly learn kata means studying in great detail: 1) how to cut using the scabbard opening (Saya-guchi) and 2) how to use the scabbard hand (Saya-te). As a serious course of study, learning Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu involves having a clear understanding of the laws known as “Tamiya Nobility and Tamiya Purity.”
In Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu, training focuses on the harmonization of Mind, Body, and Spirit through the practice and performance of Kata. Kata are sets of pre-arranged movements designed to defend against a specific attack sequence from an opponent, preserving not only one’s own life, but the life of the attacker as well. This is known as the philosophy of the “sword which gives life (Katsujin no Ken),” as opposed to the “sword which takes life (Satsujin no Ken).” Students (Deshi) of Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu are constantly reminded to respect the life of their opponent, giving him ample opportunity to “live to fight another day,” until the last moments of the engagement, when they must strike to survive. Students (Deshi) of the Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu are also required to learn the Samurai Code of Bushido (“The Way of the Warrior”) and adhere to it not only inside the Dojo but in their daily lives as well, representing the art of Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu and the Tsumaki family with honor, grace and humility.

Tamiya Ryu Canada Embukai